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Hotels in Beaudesert, Queensland

Towns and suburbs close to Beaudesert | Hotels in Beaudesert

(Beau-y Pub)

Beaudesert Hotel

This Beaudesert Hotel replaced the Beaudesert that Burn't down in 1940. Originally a C.U.B. Pub it became freehold in 1970 and has even been in Movies. You will find top tucker at the Beau-y with 48 items to choose from pub snacks up to a...

[street view]

80 Brisbane Street,
Cnr Short Street,
Opposite Beaudesert Council

Fax: 07 55413405

07 5541 1044

(L & A)

Logan and Albert Hotel

Although the Logan and Albert Hotel is on what is now called Brisbane street, the name comes from the corners of "Logan and Albert" streets. The Pub is still the original building from 1934 and the walls are covered in old clippings and sketches...

[street view]

64 Brisbane street,
Near the main intersection

07 5541 3937

07 5541 1107

Railway Hotel

Was torn down and rebuilt as part of a new complex next to a woollies and has just again re-opened early may 2007 The Railway Hotel features a Steak House Restaurant providing fine dining in a modern and comfortable location set in the heart...

[street view]

121 Brisbane Street
Queensland 4285

07 5541 3848

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