Meringandan Hotel in Meringandan
Towns and suburbs close to Meringandan | Hotels in Meringandan
Towns and suburbs close to Meringandan | Hotels in Meringandan
Meringandan Hotel
Meringandan Hotel (Criterion Hotel)
"Meringandan outside of Toowoomba has the best meals on the Darling Downs bar none. The steaks and sausages are monsters and beautiful. "
- Brian McMillan
open 7 days for LUNCH and DINNER
Hearty Country Meals for LUNCH and DINNER ..... "family friendly"
INDOOR Dining or relax in peaceful ALFRESCO setting.
- Local Darling Down Wines
- Gaming Room
- FREE Pool Table
- Friday Night Raffles
Meringandan Hotel
Photo Phil Chapman, Many Thanks
Meringandan Hotel
The ladies enjoying one of those huge Pub meals.
Photo submitted 23/01/2009
Photo submitted by Brian McMillan, Many Thanks