Pomona Hotel in Pomona
Towns and suburbs close to Pomona | Hotels in Pomona
Towns and suburbs close to Pomona | Hotels in Pomona
Pomona Hotel
Pomona Hotel
Centre of Town.
- Restaurant
- Counter Meals
- Beer Garden
- Eftpos
- Darts
- Airconditioned
- Disable Access
- Balcony Verandah
- Takeaways & Bottle Shop nearby
Limited rooms available and booking ahead is essential.
Accommodation (11 Rooms)
- Twin Rooms
- Single Rooms
- Double Rooms
- 4 x Singles Rooms X
- Double & 2 x Single X
Shared Amenities
Off Street Parking
Pomona Hotel
Photo date unknown
Photo submitted by Gary Bell, Many Thanks
Pomona Hotel
Photo: 25/03/2001
Photo submitted by: Robert Aspinall, Many Thanks
Pomona was named after the Roman god of plenty, so the Pomona Hotel is very aptly named. You will enjoy the 14ft ceilings, fretwork over the doors, the singlelounge and groove walls and in particular, the Balcony and Verandah areas.The Pub Ghost is Darby, named after Darby Schrieder who lived in Pomona all his life. That doesn't mean however that it is Darby! Speaking historically, the Pub was built in 1906 with the second story added in 1913