Bush Inn (The) in New Norfolk
Towns and suburbs close to New Norfolk | Hotels in New Norfolk
Towns and suburbs close to New Norfolk | Hotels in New Norfolk
Bush Inn (The)
Australia wide, the Bush Inn in New Norfolk, Tasmania, is the oldest continually licenced Hotel operating on the same site and in the same building.
(Building 1815, license 29/9/1825).
Read more about the debate between the Bush Inn and the Hope and Anchor: www.themercury.com.au/news/tasmania/hobarts-hope-and-anchor-and-new-norfolks-bush-inn-in-shouting-match-over-oldest-pub-title/story-fnj4f7k1-1226954522222
Bush Inn (The)
Gary visiting to help the Pub celebrate 200 years since opening.
Photo February 2015
Photo submitted by Gary Pope, Many Thanks
- 49-51 Montagu St
New Norfolk.
TAS 7140 - Phone:
- 03 62612256
- Website:
- www.thebushinn.com.au