Former White Horse Hotel in Box Hill (Melbourne)
Former White Horse Hotel
Former White Horse Hotel
The original WhiteHorse Hotel 1853 was closed as part of the 1920 prohibition/temperance ACT No-Licence campaign, and the 1906 closure of over 1000 pubs. Became a boarding House.
Ironically, in 1933 when the Pub was finally demolished, they donated the white horse statue and door frame to the town, which has gone on to become not only the statue for the entry to the town, but today, its the logo of the City of Box Hill!
This replica of the statue was errected on the median strip in Whitehorse Road in 1986. The original horse is kept in the Box Hill Town Hall. (25 cm x 20 cm)
Funny how the councilors first met together in the pubs, then were party to their banishment and closure, yet now adopt their folklore as sentiment for their logo!
The human race - we're a weird bunch!
Information submitted by Gary Pope