Powelltown Hotel in Powelltown
Towns and suburbs close to Powelltown | Hotels in Powelltown
Towns and suburbs close to Powelltown | Hotels in Powelltown
Powelltown Hotel (Powelly Pub)
Powelltown Hotel
The Powelly Pub is a popular destination for drivers through the area, with a great outdoor beer garden, and warm, friendly atmosphere at the bar.
Where else can you do your general store shopping and enjoy an ale at the bar, under the same roof? (Well lots of places around Australia - that's where!).... But the "Powelly" has been doing it for a while now, and does it well!
Powelltown Hotel
Photo 20/09/2009
Photo and information submitted by Gary Pope, Many Thanks
- Powelltown General Store and Powelly Pub,
1657 Little Yarra Road
Powelltown VIC 3797 - Phone:
- 03 5966 7280
- Website:
- www.powellypub.com.au