Federal Hotel in Kalgoorlie
Towns and suburbs close to Kalgoorlie | Hotels in Kalgoorlie
Towns and suburbs close to Kalgoorlie | Hotels in Kalgoorlie
Federal Hotel
Federal Hotel
The Federal Hotel has been an icon in the Kalgoorlie pub scene for over 100 years. Situated at the top of the main Kalgoorlie thoroughfare, on the historical Hannan's St, and next door to the biggest Goldfields Museum in the region, the hotel offers excellent scope for establishing a robust trade for both local drinkers and visitors.
- 10 accommodation rooms
- Restaurant and bar area
- Two main bar areas
- Large beer garden
- New outdoor stage
- TAB on-site
- Fully equipped kitchen
- 1200 sq/m car park adjacent
- Room for future development or motel rooms
This Hotel for Sale
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Federal Hotel
Photo: 07/03/2006
Photos & information submitted by: Jon G, Many Thanks
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