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Hotels in Ballina, New South Wales

Towns and suburbs close to Ballina | Hotels in Ballina

(The Aussie)

Australian Hotel

Restaurant 7 Days L & D Public Bar Meals Pub Grub Outdoor seating Functions catered Eftpos & ATM Beer Garden Take Aways TAB, Fox & Sky TV Pool Tables Juke Box Big Screen TV Air-conditioned Disabled Access Teen entertainment Balcony...

[street view]

103 River Street, Ballina
Corner of River and Cherry
streets in the heart of town

Fax: (02) 6686 8483

(02) 6686 2015

Ballina Hotel
[street view]

253 River Street
NSW, 2478

(02) 6686 2077

Henry Rous Hotel

Built on the site of the Henry Rous Tavern. c 2009/10 Dining Bistro

[street view]

177 River Street,
NSW, 2478

ph (02) 6686 2411

Shaws Bay Hotel

Shaws Bay Hotel

[street view]

3 Brighton Street
East Ballina,
NSW, 2478

02 6686 2034

Slipway Hotel
[street view]

56 River Street
Ballina, NSW, 2478

02 6686 2135

Westower Tavern
[street view]

Key West Shopping Centre,
NSW, 2478

02 6686 7272

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Information on Ballina,

Row of fishing boats at dock, Ballina

Photo: courtesy Tourism New South Wales

At the mouth of the Richmond River, among, sandy beaches, rivers, lakes and waterways, the island town of Ballina is the commercial and cultural heart of the Shire.

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