Hotels in Broken Hill, New South Wales
Towns and suburbs close to Broken Hill | Hotels in Broken Hill
Towns and suburbs close to Broken Hill | Hotels in Broken Hill
Former Daydream Hotel Motel
Former Daydream Hotel Motel The Hotel was established 01/08/1880 as the Sydney Club Hotel and in 1980 was renamed the Daydream Hotel. Closed as an Hotel c1980's early 90's. Licence to the Billabong Tavern (Big Merino) Goulburn NSW 2580.
Former Newmarket Hotel
Former Newmarket Hotel The Hotel was established 01/07/1891. Closed 15th of January 1994, The actual transfer of the license not taking place until May 1994, License was transferred to the V Wall Tavern, Nambucca Heads, NSW 2448. Closing...
Former Sportsmans' Arms Hotel (The Farm)
Former Stephens Creek Hotel ("The Creek")

Information on Broken Hill, NSW
A true blue Ozzie miner with a passion for sharing the history of the town.
Photo Gary Pope
The City of Broken Hill is the largest regional centre in the western half of New South Wales.