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Hotels in Katoomba, New South Wales

Towns and suburbs close to Katoomba | Hotels in Katoomba

Find out more about Katoomba and surrounding areas in the Blue Mountain Zig Zag Pub Trail

Carrington Hotel

Carrington Hotel was established in 1880 as the Western Star Hotel, the name was changed to the Carrington Hotel on 1886. The Hotel has recently been renovated. Accommodation Functions dining Bars

[street view]

15-17 Katoomba St,
New South Wales 2780

02 4782 1111

Gearins Hotel

Gearins Hotel The Hotel was established in 1881 by George Bile sans was bought by a Mrs. Gearin in 1910. The Hotel is now owned by actor Jack Thompson. The Hotel is opposite the Railway Station. I think Jack has his own named beer. Best...

[street view]

273 Great Western Highway,
New South Wales 2780

02 4782 4395

Katoomba Family Hotel

Katoomba Family Hotel The Hotel was established in 1881 and a new hotel was built in 1918 and was refurbished in 2000. Accommodation Dining

[street view]

15 Parke Street,
New South Wales 2708

02 4782 1106

Information on Katoomba,

Scenic Skyway over the Three Sisters at Echo Point, with views of Jamison Valley, Katoomba, Blue Mountains. Courtesy: Tourism New South Wales. Region: Blue Mountains

Katoomba is approximately 100 kilometres from central Sydney and is 1,000 metres above sea level.

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