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Hotels in Lightning Ridge, New South Wales

Towns and suburbs close to Lightning Ridge | Hotels in Lightning Ridge
Towns and suburbs close to Lightning Ridge | Hotels in Lightning Ridge

Lightning Ridge Hotel Motel

Lightning Ridge Hotel Motel The only Pub in town after the Diggers Rest Hotel was burnt down 24/04/2006. The 10 acre complex includes Motel, Cabin and Caravan Park facilities * Hotel and Bottle Shop In ground Saltwater Swimming Pool Nobbies...

[street view]

Moriall & Onyx Streets,
Lightning Ridge
New South Wales 2834

02 6829 0404

Former Diggers Rest Hotel

Former Diggers Rest Hotel

Former Diggers Rest Hotel Burnt down Monday 24/04/2006.

Moriall Street,
Lightning Ridge
New South Wales 2834

Information on Lightning Ridge,

Old Church at Lightning Ridge. "A beaut looking bush structure" - Glenn Ryan

Photo 24/11/2009
Photo submitted by Glenn Ryan, Many Thanks

Small opal mining town in the black opal fields. Bottlehouse museum, opal cutting demonstrations.

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