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Hotels in Manildra, New South Wales

Towns and suburbs close to Manildra | Hotels in Manildra

Royal Hotel

Royal Hotel Accommodation

[street view]

45 Kiewa St
New South Wales 2865

02) 6364 5070

Former Imperial Hotel

Former Imperial Hotel

Former Imperial Hotel The Imperial Hotel was built in 1913. From 1913 to 1933 the Imperial Hotel functioned as a traditional country pub and after 1933 it was divided into four flats. Restored as a Guesthouse and restaurant in 2001.

97-99 Kiewa Street,
New South Wales 2865

02 6364 5373

Information on Manildra, 2865

Manildra Township

Photo 21/08/2008

Photos and information submitted by Gary Pope, Many Thanks

Manildra is the home to the largest flour mill in the Southern Hemisphere and the oldest picture theatre in Australia

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