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Hotels in Gladstone, South Australia

Towns and suburbs close to Gladstone | Hotels in Gladstone

Find out more about Gladstone and surrounding areas in the Barossa byways Pub Trail

Commercial Hotel

Commercial Hotel This hotel was open prior to 1880 as the Booyoolie Hotel and changed its name to the Commercial Hotel in 1880.

[street view]

2 Gladstone Street,
South Australia 5473

08 8662 2148

Gladstone Hotel

Gladstone Hotel The hotel was established in 1875. Public bar Dining

[street view]

1 Bondowie Street,
South Australia 5473

08 8662 2015

Former Booyoolee Hotel

Former Booyoolee Hotel

Former Booyoolee Hotel Private Hotel circa 1999 The hotel opened in 1873, renamed the Barwon in 1876 and then resumed its its current name.

[street view]

5 Port Street,
South Australia 5473

Information on Gladstone,

Gladstone was one of the many towns born of the great wheat drive. Gladstone is situated 2O9kms north of Adelaide.

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