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Hotels in Parachilna, South Australia

Towns and suburbs close to Parachilna | Hotels in Parachilna

Find out more about Parachilna and surrounding areas in the Flinders and Gammon Ranges (SA) Pub Trail

Prairie Hotel

Prairie Hotel Classic Outback Pub that has won many tourism awards for providing an ozzie outback experience. Popular with international tourism (town only has a population of 7). Australian dining. Try the Emu Outback styled accommodation...

Cnr High Street & West Terrace
South Australia 5730

08 8648 4844

Information on Parachilna, 5730

On the edge of the Flinders Ranges National Park. Many well know Australian films were shot in this area. A well know tourism destination locally and internationally even though the town itself has an official population of only seven.

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