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Hotels in Saddleworth, South Australia

Towns and suburbs close to Saddleworth | Hotels in Saddleworth

Find out more about Saddleworth and surrounding areas in the Barossa byways Pub Trail

Gilbert Valley Hotel

Gilbert Valley Hotel Established 1869 as the Railway Hotel and from 1976 known as the Gilbert Valley Hotel Bistro Restaurant Bottleshop Functions

35 Burra Rd
South Australia 5413

08 8847 4030

Saddleworth Hotel

Saddleworth Hotel First established in 1869 as the Exmouth and from 1942 known as the Saddleworth Hotel Bistro meals 7 days Beer garden Accommodation Nice LP collection on the wall.

3 Belvidere Rd
South Australia 5413

08 8847 4013

Information on Saddleworth, 5413

Located in the Clare Valley, Saddleworth is a sleepy little country town with interesting local stores.

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