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Hotels in Docklands (Melbourne), Victoria

Towns and suburbs close to Docklands (Melbourne) | Hotels in Docklands (Melbourne)
Towns and suburbs close to Docklands (Melbourne) | Hotels in Docklands (Melbourne)

James Squire Brewhouse - Docklands

James Squire Brewhouse - Docklands located at the most prominent end of the Waterfront City docklands prescinct Overlooking the marina towards Victoria Harbour. Tremendous views of the marina, with outdoor area for wining and dining. Full...

[street view]

G16, 439 Docklands Drive,
Waterfront City, Docklands,
Victoria, Australia 3008

03 9600 0700

Information on Docklands (Melbourne), 3008

Docklands Views

Photo Gary Pope, Many Thanks

Close to the Melbourne inner CBD area and surrounded by stunning water views.

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