Hotels in Narbethong, Victoria
Find out more about Narbethong and surrounding areas in the The Black Spur Pub Trail
Black Spur Inn
Black Spur Inn Originally known as the Narbethong Hotel, built in 1863, this establishment is known today as The Black Spur Inn. It sits in solitude right amidst the forests that commence the climb up to Mt Dom Dom along the road up to "The...
Information on Narbethong, VIC 3778
Narbethong Countryside
Photo 30/10/2008
Photos and information submitted by Gary Pope, Many Thanks
Narbethong sits on the northern side of Mt Dom Dom which is at the peak of the Black Spur, up from Fernshaws reserve on the south side valley. Stop off at Mt Dom Dom rest area/picnic area for a view of the surrounding mountainside.
The entrance up this magnificent winding stretch of road shows off some of the best parts of the forest with huge Victorian Ash Trees forming an immense towering canopy over the tree ferns below. Little exists of an actual town as such, but the area does boast the fine Black Spur Inn, and a short way further north, is a caravan and camping park with its own general store and fuel stop.
Numerous properties have been developed into private Bed'n'Breakfast hideaways, but the weekend action is definitely at the local Pub, as car enthusiasts, motorcyclists and Melbournians pour up through this great area - all seasons!