Hotels in Yarragon, Victoria
Towns and suburbs close to Yarragon | Hotels in Yarragon
Towns and suburbs close to Yarragon | Hotels in Yarragon
Find out more about Yarragon and surrounding areas in the Central Gippsland Pub Trail
Information on Yarragon, VIC 3823
Yarragon Township
Photo 22/03/2008 and information submitted by Gary Pope, many Thanks
The township of Yarragon is full of great craft and food shops spread down the service road beside the Princes Highway, directly opposite the railway line. The town has long held the display of a fine old steam train - now on the verge adjacent the hotel.
Many local foods, condiments, jams, olive oils, dairy products and meats are well displayed and offered for sale there, and the bakery is A1! A visit to the local Commercial Hotel is always a good idea.