Hotels in Billabong, Western Australia
Towns and suburbs close to Billabong | Hotels in Billabong
Towns and suburbs close to Billabong | Hotels in Billabong
Billabong Homestead Hotel Motel
Billabong Homestead Hotel Motel The Billabong Homestead Hotel Motel is about 60 years old. The new buildings were established and opened on the 3/1/1993, to service the travelers on highway 1 around Australia. The Billabong Homestead Hotel...
Information on Billabong, WA 6530
Located 234 kls north of Geraldton and 250 kms south of Carnarvon. Heading North Billabong is 47klms south of the Shark Bay Road turnoff to Hamlin Pool and the Roadhouse.
Billabong is technically the locality of Wanaroo but known as Billabong as all you will find there is the Billabong Homestead Hotel Motel and its facilities for travellers.