Tattersalls Hotel in Emmaville
Towns and suburbs close to Emmaville | Hotels in Emmaville
Towns and suburbs close to Emmaville | Hotels in Emmaville
Tattersalls Hotel
Tattersalls Hotel
- Accommodation
- Beer, wine,
- Food
- Entertainment
- Visit the museum opposite
"On tap tooheys new,hahn light,tooheys old,4X gold,vb
Talking to local museum curator she said emmerville once bosted 5 hotels in its hey day plus the Club Hotel and Imperial Hotel were two seperate pubs. I asked the same question when I saw a picture of the Imperial Hotel at Museum." - Graham Roots
Tattersalls Hotel
Photo: 12/05/2005
Photos and information submitted by Jon G, Many Thanks
- 88 Moore Street,
New South Wales 2371 - Phone:
- 02 67347309
- Website:
- www.emmavilletattersallshotel.com/