Chelmsford Hotel in Kurri Kurri
Towns and suburbs close to Kurri Kurri | Hotels in Kurri Kurri
Towns and suburbs close to Kurri Kurri | Hotels in Kurri Kurri
Chelmsford Hotel
Chelmsford Hotel
"This the Chelmsford Hotel in Kurri Kurri located on the corner of Mitchell Avenue, Lang and Victoria Sts about a block north of the Kurri Kurri Pub.
All Kurri Kurri Hotels date from the 1900s the town being developed at time of expansion of mining activities in the area. The Kurri Kurri Hotel from 1904 and the Chelmsford named after a Governor of NSW Lord Chelmsford from approx 1914.
A brief history of pubs in the Cessnock area written by Ed Tonks is still available and if I can obtain a copy I will send it to you." Richard Milne
Thanks Richard. Great write up.