Albert Hotel in Milparinka
Towns and suburbs close to Milparinka | Hotels in Milparinka
Towns and suburbs close to Milparinka | Hotels in Milparinka
Albert Hotel
Albert Hotel
Has been continuously trading since 1880. There were once fours Pubs in town following the discovery of gold and the gold rush in the 1870's.
The Gold fields were named the "Albert Fields" which is probably where the Pub name came from.
- Fuel
- Beer
- Lunch and Evening Meals
- Eftpos and Atm
Located just one kilometre off the Silver City Highway, The Albert is the only hotel remaining between Broken Hill and Tibooburra.
There have been renovations, however the Hotel is still essentially as it was in 1880.
Albert Hotel
Photo 21/06/2011
Photo submitted by Peter Simpfendorfer, Many Thanks