Melton Hotel in Auburn (Sydney)
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Towns and suburbs close to Auburn (Sydney) | Hotels in Auburn (Sydney)
Melton Hotel
Melton Hotel
A busy pub with an interesting history. www.meltonhotel.com.au
An ALH Pubgroup Hotel. (2009)
A busy Pub with an interesting history.
The current Hotel was built and licensed in 1929. The Pubs history goes back as far as 1811 with a license to sell beer. An Inn operated from the from 1866 to 1914 close to the current location.Dating back as far as 1811 for the first license to sell beer and then moving forward to 1866 where an Inn was located close to the current location.
Current licence was granted to Albert James Martineer
- information sourced for the Pubs website, many thanks.
Melton Hotel
Photo 10/04/2009
Photos and some information submitted by Jon Graham, Many Thanks
- 163 Parramatta Road, Cnr Station Street
New South Wales 2144 - Phone:
- 02 9748 2634
- Website:
- www.meltonhotel.com.au