Huntsbury Hotel in Petersham (Sydney)
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Towns and suburbs close to Petersham (Sydney) | Hotels in Petersham (Sydney)
Huntsbury Hotel
Huntsbury Hotel
The hotel was established in 1888 as the Masonic Hotel and renamed the Huntsbury Hotel in the late 1990's-2000.
No accommodation.
- Bottle shop
- Beer garden
- Bistro
- TAB,
7 beers on tap, Cooper's Pale Ale, Pure Blond Premium Lager, Carlton Draught, VB, Carlton Black, Resch's and Cascade Premium Light.
Thanks to Chrys Meader, Marrickville Council Archives, Petersham Town Hall, Crystal Street, Petersham NSW 2049,for establishment dates etc.
Huntsbury Hotel
Photo 31/05/2009
Photos and information submitted by Jon Graham, Many Thanks
- 125 New Canterbury Road, Corner of Hunter Street
New South Wales 2049 - Phone:
- 02 9569 9645
- Website:
- www.huntsburyhotel.com.au
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