Bark Hut Inn in Annaburroo
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Towns and suburbs close to Annaburroo | Hotels in Annaburroo
Bark Hut Inn
Bark Hut Inn and Caravan Park
The Bark Hut Inn is located on the Arnhem Highway on the western edge of Kakadu National Park. 2kms from the Mary River and Mary River National Park.
The Inn provides camp sites, supplies, fuel and cold beer for visitors and fisherman bound for Kakadu.
Nicely constructed with roughly sawn timber and adorned with rustic memorabilia. A feature being the old NT Draught posters and boar and buffalo heads adorned around the bar.
Annaburroo is a locality with the Bark Hut Inn being the only buildings at Annaburroo
Bark Hut Inn and Caravan Park
Photo: 03/01/2008
Photos and information submitted by Glenn Ryan, Many Thanks