Empire Hotel in Queenstown
Towns and suburbs close to Queenstown | Hotels in Queenstown
Towns and suburbs close to Queenstown | Hotels in Queenstown
Empire Hotel
Empire Hotel
Good looking Pub established 1901 during the mining boom.
- Accommodation, 20 rooms , 4 with ensuites
- Bar
- Dining
- Winter open fire
"Queenstown is well worth a visit - it reminds me of a restrained version of Broken Hill. And a beer at the Empire Hotel is a must!" - Glenn
Empire Hotel
Photo 01/10/2009
Photos and information submitted by Glenn Ryan, Many Thanks
- 2 Orr St
Tasmania 7467 - Phone:
- 03 6471 1699
- Website:
- www.empirehotel.net.au
Empire Hotel
The hills in the background were ravaged by mining and it is only now that the trees are starting to grow back
Photo 01/10/2009
Photos and information submitted by Glenn Ryan, Many Thanks
Empire Hotel
Carved staircase
Photo 01/10/2009
Photos and information submitted by Glenn Ryan, Many Thanks