Gday Pubs Blog Archive 2017
January 2018
- Archer Hotel Rockhampton - Lost to fire - The Archer Hotel, formerly known as the Balmoral Hotel, caught fire, burning the abandoned pub to the ground.
April 2017
- Tragedy Strikes Travellers Rest Hotel Thorpdale - Tragedy struck the Travellers Rest Hotel in Thorpdale, Victoria on 4th April 2017 when it went up in flames in the middle...
February 2017
- A walk down memory lane in Halifax, QLD - G'day, On a recent trip to North Queensland I made a small detour and visited Halifax. My father's family immigrated to...
January 2017
- The Victoria Hotel Melbourne - Check out the latest update - For all our avid pub followers and history aficianados, the Ibis Styles Melbourne - The Victoria Hotel have generously offered...
- Pentland Hotel Motel Queensland - Updated - Thanks to Lorrae from the Pentland Hotel Motel in Queensland for providing info & photos to update the site.
- Pub history abounds with readers - what's your query? - In the last year, we've had lots of enquiries, not all of them made public, by readers who are interested in the history...