Pubs in the 1930
18 September 2011
"I've noticed in Sydney there is a huge proliferance of Art Deco pubs, as if there was some massive pub-building exercise going on in the inter-war era (1930s in particular). Any idea why?
Nice site btw., Cheers. Alex"
Not an expert on your Pub question but the short answer is that there were many factors at play. To summarise down a chapter from J.M. Freelands book on architecure (1966) The Australian Pub: There had been a hiatus for a few decades in new building because of the war and great depressions. In reality going back as far as 1893 with early closing and the depression then.
Having got past the great war the new moving films and other new entertainment took available dollars and with early closing the Pubs were a one hour a day house.. Come 1936 there was money available again and building costs were cheaper than for many decades so breweries went on a massive 4 year Pub building program.
In inner city areas many old Pub building were demolished and replaced. The building also spread to new suburbs being built and with that came suburban Pubs.
Hope that helps. Ed"