Hotels in Tennant Creek, Northern Territory
Towns and suburbs close to Tennant Creek | Hotels in Tennant Creek
Towns and suburbs close to Tennant Creek | Hotels in Tennant Creek
Find out more about Tennant Creek and surrounding areas in the The Great Aussie loop Pub Trail
Tennant Creek Hotel
Tennant Creek Hotel Legend has it that pioneer Joe Kilgariff (an Alice Springs Publican), built his store in 1934 where his beer wagon had become bogged. This became the Tennant Creek Hotel with an archive of the Pubs history.
Information on Tennant Creek, NT 0860
Stuart Highway (Main Street) Tennant Creek
Photo submitted by Glenn Ryan, Many Thanks
Population of over 3500 situated at the meeting of the Stuart and Barkly Highways. The fourth most prominent town in the NT and is the administrative centre for an area larger than the state of Victoria.
location for Australias last great goldrush and later a copper mining area