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Hotels in Rockhampton, Queensland

Towns and suburbs close to Rockhampton | Hotels in Rockhampton

Criterion Hotel

Criterion Hotel

[street view]

Quay St
Queensland 4700

(07) 4922 1225

Fitzroy Hotel

Fitzroy Hotel Located in Rockhampton, known as the beef capital of Queensland, The Fitzroy Hotel is only meters from the iconic Fitzroy River.The Fitzroy Hotel is on the main tourist heritage route, which boasts many historic buildings and...

[street view]

366 East Street
Queensland 4700

(07) 4927 4299

Great Western Hotel

Great Western Hotel First Licensed in 1878. Now in the 21st century it is a national tourist destination. Built on 4115 square meters. Check out the Pubobilia on the walls showing the areas history and characters. 4 Bars Award winning Steakhouse,...

[street view]

39 Stanley St
Queensland 4700

07 4922 3888

Heritage Hotel

Heritage Hotel

[street view]

228 Quay St
Queensland 4700

(07) 4927 6996

Kalka Hotel Motel

Kalka Hotel Motel "Stayed in Kalka Hotel. Very good food and accom. $60" - Brian McMillan

[street view]

187 Lakes Creek Rd
Queensland 4700

07 49285666

Former Archer Hotel

The Archer Hotel, previously known as the Balmoral Hotel, had remained closed since the floods of 2011 forced the closure of it's doors. The abandoned hotel caught fire on 1st January 2018, and it burned to the ground. The timber and iron...

140 Port Curtis Road
Port Curtis
QLD, 4700

Information on Rockhampton,

Fitzroy River and Bridge
Capricorn Region

Photo Courtesy of Tourism Queensland

Rockhampton is located on the east coast of Australia, on the Tropic of Capricorn, 633 kilometres north of Brisbane.

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