Hotels in Ceduna, South Australia
Find out more about Ceduna and surrounding areas in the Nullarbor Thirst Quencher Pub Trail
Find out more about Ceduna and surrounding areas in the The Great Aussie loop Pub Trail
Ceduna Foreshore Hotel Motel
Ceduna Foreshore Hotel Motel A community Hotel Opened in 1905 as the Murat Bay Hotel, Ceduna Hotel in 1915 and the Ceduna Community Hotel in 1948. In 2008 Ceduna Community Hotel ltd, completed a $9M redevelopment of the Hotel. * Accommodation...
Information on Ceduna, SA 5690
Ceduna looking to the water past the local Hotel
Photo 07/08/2007
Photo and information submitted by Gary Pope, Many Thanks
Ceduna marks the start of the a trip over the Nullarbor, and so the sights of piers, wharves, industrial lifestyle and city views are all about to change as you head west of town. Here we see the main pier at the foot of town.