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Hotels in Naracoorte, South Australia

Towns and suburbs close to Naracoorte | Hotels in Naracoorte

Find out more about Naracoorte and surrounding areas in the West Wimmera Secrets Pub Trail

Find out more about Naracoorte and surrounding areas in the Barossa byways Pub Trail

Find out more about Naracoorte and surrounding areas in the The Great Aussie loop Pub Trail

Bushmans Arms Hotel

Bushmans Arms Hotel Formerly the commercial Hotel. Naracoorte's oldest surviving building which has been open since 1861. Good meals. Recently (2007)renovated with the new Venus Bar and Gaming Shed and the Bushman's Grill Dining Room. Pub...

[street view]

20 Robertson Street
South Australia 5271

08 87 622 100

Kincraig Hotel

The Kincraig Hotel has preserved the name of Naracoorte's original township and was built by the well known wine spirit merchant A.E & F.C Tolley. The licence from the Globe Hotel at Kincraig was transferred to the newly completed building...

[street view]

158 Smith Street,
South Australia 5271

08 8762 2200

Naracoorte Hotel Motel

Naracoorte Hotel Motel "The Naracoorte Hotel dates back to 1847 when the first storey of the main building was constructed. Later, in the early 1900s, a second storey was added. The property then remained mostly unchanged until the late 1900s...

[street view]

73 Ormerod St
South Australia 5271

08 8762 2400

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Information on Naracoorte, 5271

Centre of the town with the war memorial statue.

Photo 16/01/2009
Photo and information submitted by Gary Pope, Many Thanks

The town is famous for its nearby caves, boasting some of the finest (thin/long) stalagtites.

The original spelling of the town was "Narracoorte". The name was later incorrectly gazetted as "Naracoorte" and that spelling was subsequently accepted.

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