Hotels in Berwick, Victoria
Find out more about Berwick and surrounding areas in the South Gippsland Pub Trail
Find out more about Berwick and surrounding areas in the Silvan Dam Pub Trail
Find out more about Berwick and surrounding areas in the The Great Aussie loop Pub Trail
Berwick Inn
Berwick Inn * Built in 1857 * Fabulous fireside Club Lounge * Renowned food from the Common Room Bistro lounge * The locals have been coming from mile around for years, as it is such an ideal meeting place * The Publican has great respect for...
Information on Berwick, VIC 3806
Berwick gardens with the Berwick Inn in the background
Photo 18/01/2008
Photos and some information submitted by Gary Pope, Many Thanks
Berwick is the gateway to the Dandenong Ranges, Phillip Island, Gippsland and the Mornington Peninsula.
Berwick is renowned for its fine Berwick rose garden in Wilson Botanic Park which lays off the highway only 1km west of the base of the town. Pictured here is a fine example too, at the main cross roads of Clyde St and old Princes Highway. The Princes Freeway now surrounds the town, which has permitted the main street to return to its former busy local use.