Hotels in Kinglake, Victoria
Towns and suburbs close to Kinglake | Hotels in Kinglake
Towns and suburbs close to Kinglake | Hotels in Kinglake
Find out more about Kinglake and surrounding areas in the Kinglake Motorcycle Touring Pub Trail
National Park Hotel
National Park Hotel Established in 1907 when Harry Thomson received a licence to operate a "wayside inn". Started as a little hotel was located in a new wing built onto the "Aurelia Villa" guesthouse. Was known as the Kinglake Pub...
Information on Kinglake, VIC 3763
Kinglake main street
Photo 07/06/2009
Photo and information submitted by Gary Pope, Many Thanks
Located 65 km north of Melbourne next to the beautiful 22,360 hectare park Kinglake National Park lying on the slopes of the Great Dividing Range