Hotels in Winchelsea, Victoria
Towns and suburbs close to Winchelsea | Hotels in Winchelsea
Towns and suburbs close to Winchelsea | Hotels in Winchelsea
Find out more about Winchelsea and surrounding areas in the Turton's Track Otways Ranges VIC Pub Trail
Barwon Hotel
Barwon Hotel The Barwon Hotel was established as one of the first buildings in town along with the general store and first licensed in 1842 as the Barwon Inn; it is the oldest hotel in Victoria. Set on 2 and a half acres overlooking the old...
Information on Winchelsea, VIC 3241
The former Shire Hall overlooking the river in the middle of the town, where you will find some interesting history items of Winchelsea.
Photo 01/09/2008
Photos and information submitted by Gary Pope, Many Thanks
located on the Highway between Geelong and Colac 112 km south-west of Melbourne on the Princes Highway. Nicely placed on the Barwon river.