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Hotels in Harrisville, Queensland

Towns and suburbs close to Harrisville | Hotels in Harrisville

Commercial Hotel

Commercial Hotel "A licence for this Hotel was granted to Ellen Butler in 1901. The original hotel burned down in 1939 and the present two-storey building was constructed later the same year." * Country Style Meals * Accommodation

[street view]

32 Queen Street
Queensland 4307

07 5467 1223

Royal Hotel

Royal Hotel "The Hotel opened in 1875. It burned down prior to 1920 and was replaced by the current building. It has a prominent position and people enjoying a drink on the verandah can look right up the main street of the town. In 2002 the...

[street view]

Lot 1 Dunns Avenue
Queensland 4307

Information on Harrisville, 4307

Harrisville about 30 ks south west of Ipswich , located between Peak Crossing and Warril View
- info Jacko, Many Thanks

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